Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Summer …

A man not old, but mellow, like good wine.

Stephen Phillips, (1845-1915)

Rumour has it that the Antipodeans are striving to retain our Summer, but I have news for them. We took the Ashes, now we will take back our Summer!
So there, cobber!
Until the inevitable happens, of course. We will eventually have to give back the Summer, and will probably hand back the Ashes as well.
That, after all, is the way we do things!
But, until then, I shall encourage all you 'northern hemisphere' types to indulge yourselves with copious quantities of my fiendish Sangria recipe, the one I posted last year. I am happy to re-post this one for a couple of reasons. Last year I received a lot of drunken feedback from the more adventurous types who tried it. I am also proud of the fact that if you follow my instructions about 'cheap' you will indeed enjoy it even more!
Here it is in video format this time.

I have one confession to make. Please read 'ml' for wherever I've inserted 'mil'. In other words, where I suggest you use 500mil of red wine I actually mean 500ml (half a litre). A mistake I only spotted after editing the whole video, and something I didn't have the heart to rip the video apart to correct.
If you have a problem reading the captions in IE8, right-click and select 'Full Screen', and that should sort you out. I promise to do better in future! (all fixed ...)
Enjoy ...
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Sniffles and Smiles said...

Oh, rats!!! I can't seem to get the video to download or play...I'm so disappointed. I remember this mix, I think! But I wanted to make sure it was the same one! Hope you are well! The video looks like it would have been so pro! I would have loved to see the technology wizard take on video! Sigh...Eventually, I get it figured...think I'll bookmark this page and come back later and try again! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Janine

Thumbelina said...

Love it!
I couldn't see the whole picture - the video is off centre with the right side of the picture (and instructions!) missing but I could definitely understand it. The music helped tremendously and I can see me doing this when England warms up a little more (although we're getting there... getting there...)
At the moment I'm on a baking fest. Not baked for years and now restarted. I might mix doing the sangria (and tasting) and the baking. The results could be staggering...

Off topic - seen Carol's blog. You blog genius you.
(Word veri is "counce". Is that a sozzled ounce?)

Akelamalu said...

The video won't load for me, unfortunately :(

I am looking forward to a great summer I hope you're right about this. ;)

Fletch said...

Abject apologies to ALL.

Can't understand why it is behaving badly. Looking into the problem now ...


Fletch said...


Now behaving OK in FireFox and Google Chrome ...

Still 'broken in IE8. Darn Microsoft!!!

Fletch said...


All fixed, including IE.

Pays to check how things display in ALL browsers, or one ends up with "egg on face"!

Thumbelina said...

That was one of your first lessons to me! So.... is your egg scrambled or fried? ;0)

Fletch said...

Keep chuckling, Cath!

I'll get you back for that ...

Shrinky said...

Terry, you big cheat, you! I tuned in expecting a mug-shot (at the very least) of you and Maria in there - hmph.. Okay, I think I may have to go back in to list the ingrediants over, and when I do, unlike some, I'll be sure to send a pic on of us raising a glass to you, too!

(This is so funny, the word verification to type is "boozzeey" Haaaa!)

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Hey, Terry! Meant to tell you that Carol's blog looks fantastic! I understand you played an important part in that :-) I never mind if you stop by late...I'm just ALWAYS glad to see you!! Hugs, Janine

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Fletch...you are simply the BEST!!! How did I get so lucky as to find such an amazing and wonderful friend? Hugs, Janine

Shrinky said...

Just to tell you, I've finally got the ingredients together, and plan a mellow, relaxed weekend of Samgria sampling ahead - hope the weather holds up!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Sigh...still can make it work...guess I must update my media player. Hope you are well...saw you ran a test post...but of course, it isn't here...But you've been in my thoughts and so I thought I'd stop by for a visit! Hugs, Janine

Rinkly Rimes said...

We gave you your summer back last week. Now for goodness sake hang on to it for more than a few days!!! As for the Ashes......



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width A cheeky little red

Here's a toast to your health.

"Lang May Yer Lumb Reek!"
(Scottish for 'long may your chimney smoke')

or if you prefer,

"Bottoms Up!"